If you live on the territory of the City of Brussels you may help your City to work out its Climate Plan.
A lot of actions and commitments should precede the final plan and its implementation.
The Climate Plan of the City aims to achieve the EU’s objectives on energy and climate by 2030:
• reducing greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990) by at least 40%
• increasing the volume of renewable energy to the minimum of 27%
• increasing energy efficiency by at least 27%
Creating a Climate Plan will have two steps:
1. The CO2 balance of the City
The City has first measured the CO2 emissions on its territory. The first results of the carbon balance are encouraging. For example, the CO2 emissions at the City were reduced by 16%, compared to 2008.
2. Drafting of the Climate Plan
To further reduce its CO2 emissions, the City wants to make a series of commitments. In addition, the people of Brussels will be involved. There will be several participatory workshops to find out the local problems and challenges and how to provide solutions on sustainable food, urban agriculture, sustainable consumption, nature in the city and mobility with low CO2 emissions. These ideas – together with an internal workshop of the City – will be used as the basis for the Climate Plan which will be presented in March 2017.
Next workshop will take place on the 20th of October.
From 19h30 to 22h: Espace S (Rue de la Comtesse de Flandre 4 – 1020 Brussels)