Residence Permit in Belgium

How to Obtain a Residence Permit and Passport in Belgium

We will help you obtain a Residence Permit in Belgium. It normally leads to Belgium's nationality and Belgian Passport.
Since 2011 we have helped dozens of high-quality clients like you to move over to Belgium and other countries in Europe and South America.

Advantages of Belgium Residence Permit


Fast route to passport (possible in 5-6 years after first arrival). Fast family reunification at any moment.


No need to stay in Belgium all the time, so you can manage your business online.


Possibility to obtain fiscal Non-Resident status to avoid having to report worldwide income.


Great medical care and other advantages of a successful nation for your taxes.

Via Work Permit from a Foreign Company

The first way is much faster and takes four months, but it is more expensive in the long run, as you pay more tax.

Via Business Creation or Purchase

The other way takes 6-12 months, requires you to buy or to create a business that will be profitable for the next five-six years, though is cheaper in the longer run.

Our video guide on Residence Permit in Belgium.

Hassle-free, via Work Permit and More Economical, via Company Creation or Business Purchase.

Residence Permit Belgium

Residence Permit Belgium

Belgian Citizenship

Whatever the route you take, you have the right to apply for Belgian citizenship in five years since the date of your first arrival. Your application will take only four months, the maximum defined by law. The only stage you need to pass before is to obtain the Permanent Residence status that is given after five years. Your children under 18 will receive the nationality automatically with you.

Work Permit Route

The first route assumes that you work for an established company that has real business activity outside of Belgium and decides to post you to Belgium. We will apply on your behalf in Belgium for your Work Permit combined with Residence Permit (Permis Unique). You should have a diploma, your company financial statements, website, police and medical clearance.

Investment Route

The second route means you will invest into an existing business or create one on your own in Belgium. It takes considerably longer to get approved this way and we must demonstrate how your business will bring value to the economy: job creation, export, investments, new products. This route, however, you pay less tax in the long run. If you plan investing less than 100 000 EUR it may be hard to succeed.

Which Route to Choose

If you want your residence hassle-free, you need to choose the Work Permit route: in 5 months you may have your first ID. If you want to save or have a business plan for a lucrative activity then choose Professional Card and own a business. Whatever route you choose we will guide you hand-in-hand and will help obtain the same status for your family.

The Process

Work Permit: Obtain legalized and translated Police Clearance covering the last five years, Medical Clearance from approved doctors, financial statements, power of attorney, company director's ID, commercial license, medical insurance, passport copy, and diploma. Send these documents by courier.

We apply on your behalf. Within a month, we receive work permit authorization, then within three months, Residence clearance. You can then obtain your visa D from the Belgian embassy.

With this Visa D, you arrive in Belgium for a week to settle and obtain your ID.

Professional Card: We prepare a compelling business plan while you handle your police clearance. Apply for the Professional Card at the Belgian Embassy. Once approved, you get a visa D, which you use to fly to Belgium and receive your ID. This process takes 6-18 months.


To learn more about our fees, please fill in the form here. We offer discounts if you apply with friends or decide early.

Government Fees:

  • Work Permit route: 138 EUR per application, 90 EUR for the visa D, and 130 EUR for the Residence permit in Belgium
  • Professional Card route: 140+180 EUR for the Professional Card, 90 EUR for the visa, 138 EUR Immigration office, 130 EUR for the Residence Permit card
  • Family Reunification fee: Your partner pays the same fees except for the work permit and can only apply once you are established in Belgium. Our family reunification charge is 2000 EUR, regardless of the number of family members: partner and children under 21.

Your Family

Attention! Your family members can receive their residence permits only after you have received yours and after you have started your business. It may take anything between 1 week and 6 months for them to receive the visa D after which they may follow you to Belgium. If you work with us, it is almost certain that they will get their visa D within a week.

Residence and Work Permits in Belgium

Where Do I Get My Professional Card, Visa D, and Residence Permit (PR, TRP, or ID)?

Work Permit is no longer a separate document. If your Residence Permit is approved and you get your visa D at the embassy of Belgium, it usually means that you are authorized to work for at least four years. This authorization is a joint responsibility of the regional ministry of economy and the federal ministry of interior.

Your Professional Card decision is normally taken by the regional ministry in charge of employment depending on what Region of Belgium your company will be situated: Flanders, Brussels, or Wallonia. Once it is approved, this ministry notifies the Embassy in the country where you live, and you may get your visa D.

Your ID can only be issued when you arrive in Belgium with your visa D, at the local municipality (Commune or Gemeente).

Your Residence permit gives you and your family access to high-quality medical services and to free schooling in local languages.

Business Partners
We guide you till you have received your Residence Permit in Belgium.

How to Renew Residence Permit in Belgium

If you have a work permit, you should renew your ID every year by providing proof that salary and taxes are paid (form 281.10). The renewal process may take a few weeks, so you should plan ahead.

If you have a Professional Card, your renewal process will take 2-4 months. First, you have to renew your Professional Card: the conditions for renewal are the absence of debts and regularity of reporting, as well as certain economic activity (for the first renewal, you should show you have started doing something). You are not obliged to hire locals, though this helps renewal if you have created at least one or two jobs.

Once your Professional Card is renewed, you present it to the local municipality that will request the approval of the Residence Permit, and so your card will be renewed. You may need to come to the municipality twice for that.

Passport and Citizenship Information

After five years since the day of your first arrival, you are eligible to apply for the Permanent Residence Permit (séjour illimité), which will not be dependent on any work permit or authorization. With that in hand, you can immediately apply for Citizenship.

The key requirements for Belgian Citizenship are: Permanent Residence status (card type B), legal presence in the country for at least five consecutive years (i.e., be registered at an address in Belgium—you don’t need to spend all this time in Belgium), working for at least two years, and social integration. While there is no obligation to pass a language exam of a certain level, you should be able to navigate 200-300 daily words of French or Dutch, and a test of advanced beginner (A2 level) is advisable.

You will receive a response on your Belgian Citizenship application normally within four months - this limit is set by law.

If you are refused, you can appeal. The grounds for refusal (determined as a Negative opinion of the Royal Persecution office) are often hidden, but we know that if you have had traffic violations or a police court hearing for any serious case, then the Magistrate is most likely to play against you.

If you apply for Belgian Citizenship, you will not need to renounce your original citizenship.

Your Belgian Passport will normally be issued within four to six weeks after the expiration of the four-month period starting from the day you lodge your application for Belgian nationality.

Consultation Section
Can I Apply?

For all inquiries please call +32474433535 (VIP line) or WhatsApp +32460245140 or contact us by e-mail.

For detailed discussion please fill in the questionnaire using the link below and try to describe your motivation with regards to the Residence Permit in Belgium!

Free Consultation Now!
Residence Permit Information

Residence Permit in Europe

Residence Permit

If you are looking for any residence permit in Europe leading to citizenship in the future, then we may advise Belgium, Luxembourg, and Portugal, the latter being the least troublesome. You will not need necessarily expensive property: a working company is good enough.

If you only need some residence permit in Europe and you do not necessarily need to obtain a passport, then you may want to look at Estonia (fastest residence permit for five years in just four months), Italy, Latvia, and Lithuania.

We also offer help in Paraguay and Uruguay, which also have very powerful passports in the top-40 of the world. You will need to fly to Paraguay to start the procedure, but the requirements are easy and it takes five years till citizenship.
