According to the World Happiness Report, Finland is the happiest place in the world.
Belgium shows positive dynamics coming in at number 16 this year. Two years ago, it was number 18 and last year it was at the 17th place.
The report, produced by three independent experts, looks at several criteria to determine each country’s place on the happiness scale. Some crucial indicators are GDP per capita, social support networks, life expectancy, freedom to make personal choices, charitable contributions and perceptions of corruption.
As usual, the Scandinavian countries top the chart, with Norway coming in second, followed by Denmark and Iceland. Switzerland completes the top five.
Belgium’s neighbours to the north, the Netherlands, came in sixth, while those to the south, France, came in 23rd. Germany beat Belgium by just one place, at 15th. The report includes 156 countries, with Burundi coming in last.
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