Transport company Uber is recruiting staff in Brussels to help expand its meal delivery service UberEATS, reports Bruzz. The service allows customers to use a simple app to order and pay for a meal, which is then delivered to the home by an Uber courier within 35 minutes on average.
UberEATS exists in 19 cities worldwide, especially in the United States. Brussels will be the third European city with UberEATS, after London and Paris, according to recent vacancies on the Uber website. Uber’s communication agency Interel confirmed to Bruzz that UberEATS is on its way to Brussels, but could not yet confirm an official launch date.
The UberEATS app allows customers to order meals from a list of partner restaurants. Uber is still searching for partner restaurants in Brussels, writes De Tijd, in addition to couriers who use their own car, motorcycle or bicycle to deliver the meals.
According to the newspaper, Uber is currently examining how it will expand its meal service in Brussels, including conducting research into the eating habits and preferences of local consumers.